I've been on quite a Cary Grant bit lately.. I've grown up watching his movies and have certainly always been a fan but never quite considered him my type of man. It's not that he isn't attractive because he is, it's just that when it came down to C.K Dexter Haven or Mike Connor, I was more of a Connor girl. Well the tables have turned now and I have been suckered in to the charismatic ways of Mr. Grant. He and his tales feel like a flashback of a foreshadow, if that makes sense. Or maybe it is because I am pretty sure I am more of a gay boy than a straight girl. Either way, I'd be His Girl Friday, anyday...
I'm diving into finals tomorrow and I'm beginning to think i might as well be a math major since i find myself spending more time calculating time then actually doing the work. Either way, I am beginning my final piece for drawing 1, which is a conceptual portrait based on my growing resemblance to my mom. We'll see how it goes. Conte crayon, ink wash, and a tad of water color i think. we'll see...
so long!
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