Thursday, February 3, 2011

against me?

i never thought i'd see this thing again.

Monday night my dear cousin came to play with Against me! at Slims. I called up 15 year old me who then texted 18 year old me [the revive] and we all headed down to the rock n roll show. I danced and bounced and screamed and punched and at the end of the night slept like a rock star. The next few days were another story.

As i was bidding farewell to dear cousin, i called after him that if he were to run into Michael cera on tour, he knew what to do. Low and behold the next day, last night, i awake from somewhat of a slumber to this text:

"with michael cera. pretty funny. and no i'm not kidding. in Pdx"

so i may have called him like 4 times and sent a few too many texts. i was pretty out of it. we wont get into all that, but needless to say, this is all getting too weird. every time i am down in the dumps, i get that much closer to meeting him. someone needs to make me sad more often.