Thursday, February 3, 2011

against me?

i never thought i'd see this thing again.

Monday night my dear cousin came to play with Against me! at Slims. I called up 15 year old me who then texted 18 year old me [the revive] and we all headed down to the rock n roll show. I danced and bounced and screamed and punched and at the end of the night slept like a rock star. The next few days were another story.

As i was bidding farewell to dear cousin, i called after him that if he were to run into Michael cera on tour, he knew what to do. Low and behold the next day, last night, i awake from somewhat of a slumber to this text:

"with michael cera. pretty funny. and no i'm not kidding. in Pdx"

so i may have called him like 4 times and sent a few too many texts. i was pretty out of it. we wont get into all that, but needless to say, this is all getting too weird. every time i am down in the dumps, i get that much closer to meeting him. someone needs to make me sad more often.


  1. oh amandine.
    how i love you.

    im in animation class, my patience and interest is wandering.

    i want to go home and fall into a long hard sleep.
    i stayed up til 4. i couldnt stop.
    i couldnt not.

    these days i find myself happy for all this change.
    all these new moments. these beautiful people that have come out of nowwhere into my life.
    i'm not sure what i want to be making.
    but im trying to remember jon cage's
    "dont create and analyze- they are different processes."

    i feel like im continually analyzing.
    its so hard not to be critical of your own work!
    so im trying to be. just do. just make.
    anxiety makes things only bigger than they are.

    i'm sorry your sad. pain is terrible. inevitable though.
    but as you know suffering is not.
    its an option. and if i know you as i do you get through these moments. through these things.
    you always keep shinning.
    you make me proud.
    just dont forget who you are.
    and what you deserve.
    itll come. itll happen.
    itll know no attachment and you'll find yourself overseas traveling india with me. :0

    are u coming to SXSW?

    i love u

  2. by the way.
    you should put one of your new pictures up.
    one of that women.
    this one of u and other amanda seems like such a long time ago.
    a past memory that just isnt accurate to all the things youve made as of late!
    i wanna see it, and so does the world!
